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Our Products 

Do you need reliable meteorological data, but the area of interest is some distance from the nearest observation station?  


Zephyr’s in-house expertise and computing power may have the solution to meet your meteorological requirements. 

The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is a state-of-the-art prognostic model that references global synoptic, terrain and land use information to provide accurate, location specific meteorological information.


Examples of products we provide include:












​Our meteorological products are tailored to your site down to a 1 km grid resolution.


We use recently published country-specific land use and terrain inputs together with reanalysis input files which incorporate observations to improve results for local sites.


All of our outputs include a transparent report of the processes used to produce our prognostic data, including wind roses and other analyses, that can be dropped straight into your report as an appendix.


For a quote for your site / application, or more information, contact the Zephyr team


  • Dispersion model-ready meteorological files (WRF AERMET / WRF CALMET)

  • Multi-year historical data sets including rainfall and wind prospecting data

  • Site specific forecasting for up to 1 week ahead

  • Meteorological projections under future climate trajectories based on Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs)

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